Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Autism Today ( offers up the following advice for people who are dealing with autism for the first time.

Get over it fast. Do not stay into a state of denial.  It will only hurt your child. Start addressing the problem and help your child.  

1.      Start Local. Find the strongest local support and system you possibly can. Start local, and learn what is available in your areas and nearby. Reach out to nearby cities as needed.

2.      Qualify Your Doctor. Locate a medical doctor who specializes in autism and has experience treating autism.  A referral from another parents or a reputable autism organization works best.

3.      Reach Out for Help. Discover and make use of specific government agencies and public services that support the cause, especially in the early intervention arena.

4.      Look Into Special Services. Check into related health services such as speech and language, recreational therapy, occupational therapy, physical and behavioral therapy and so forth.

5.      Use the Internet. Go to reliable website sources to educate yourselves on programs, services, interventions, therapies and supports.

6.      Take Frequent Breaks. Find and use qualified respite for yourselves as caregivers and use it.  You will need it.

7.      Educate Your Family. Educate relatives, friends, neighbors and your child’s siblings and peers about what autism is and what you and your family are going through.   They will be able to accept him or her and understand the challenges more easily which leads to acceptance.

8.      Get Involved. Attend conferences for educational information and also the fellowship aspects by meeting with other family members, individuals with autism and other professionals in the field.  You may find lifelong alliances there!

9.      Get Up to Speed. Stay current with the latest medical, biomedical, behavioral and education services so you can pick and choose what is right for your child and your family.  

10.  Plan for the Future.  Currently autism is a lifelong disorder and until something radically changes, the autism is not going to go away.  With proper interventions it improves over time and with the best mindset from the parents, caregivers and people that support the child they can be guided towards a great outcome leading happy, fulfilling lives.

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